LID Architecture - Awards and Publications
2018 Building and Architect of the Year Awards, Sustainability Award: Container House Project
2018 Irish Architecture Awards for House, Highly Commended: Container House Project
2016 RIAI Awards , Research Award for Translating Housing
2013 RIAI Research Award for "Utility and Landscape"
2012 Irish Architecture Awards Best Extension Butterfly House
2012 Irish Architecture Awards Highly Commended Garden Kitchen
2010 AAI Awards Special Mention Plug-in-Path
2010 AAI Awards Special Mention Landscape Room
2009 RIAI Awards Best Extension Landscape Room Highly Commended
2007 RIAI Awards (Royal Institute of The Architects of Ireland) Barn NZ selected for Exhibition
2006 RIAI Awards Certificate of Exhibition- projects under €400 000 for the Stepping House.

LID Architecture